Reproductive & Sexual Health Clinic

Important for women’s general health and wellbeing

Good reproductive and sexual health is important for women’s general health and wellbeing. Our Reproductive and Sexual Health Clinic provides confidential services, offering advice and support on a range of reproductive and sexual health issues.

Aesthetics Gynaecology

  • Management of sexual

  • Non-surgical Vaginal Tightening with Laser, Radio-frequency Thermiva, PRP or HA(Hyaluronic Acid)

Preventive Gynaecology

  • Cervical Cancer Screening/HPV Vaccine

  • Endometrial Cancer Screening

  • Ovarian Cancer Screening

  • Breast Cancer Screening
  • Colposcopy

  • Cervical punch biopsy

  • Cervical Cauterization
  • Cold Coagulation of the cervix

  • Large loop excision of transformation zone

Rejuvenative Program

  • Ovarian Rejuvenation

  • Endometrial Rejuvenation

  • Vaginal Rejuvenation

  • Facial Rejuvenation

  • Vulva Rejuvenation

Family Planning Program

  • IUCD Insertion & Removal (Incuding Mirena IUCD)

  • Contraceptive Implant Insertion and Removal

  • Injectable Contraceptive

  • Oral Contraceptive Pills

  • Management of side effects of contraceptives

  • Laparascopic retrieval of translocated IUCD

  • Hysteroscopic IUCD Removal

  • Ultrasound Guided IUCD Removal
  • Etc.

Menopause Program

  • Diagnosis and management of menopause
  • Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT)
  • Non-HRT Alternatives
  • Management of complications of HRT
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Talking Therapy

Expert Healthcare

we are still committed to delivering the highest quality and safest care at par with international standards to our patients